Wednesday, December 19, 2007

£1 billion of projects!

Today we passed £1 billion of projects on To have acheived this milestone in under 3 months (2 months and 19 days, to be precise) is an amazing acheivement, and hope the scale of interest in the site is a sign of many successes to come.

I would like to thank every charity (all 3,500 of you!) that has helped grow into such a useful tool for high wealth donors in such a short space of time.

As we continue to grow and develop, I look forward to working with our registered charities to improve the opportunities available to high wealth donors. If you have any comments or thoughts on the site, the project format or how your supporters react to your projects, please let us know by posting a comment on this blog.

Friday, December 14, 2007

First donations through!

This week we were delighted to hear that a multi-million pound grant-making organisation has used to successfully identify £500,000 of projects to fund.

It is fantastic that grant-making organisations are already using the website to inform their funding decisions, and we would like to thank our charities for making such an useful destination for high wealth donors.

The organisation, which wishes to remain anonymous, commented, "Rather than going through the traditional project proposal process, it was good to proactively select the shortlist. We managed to find projects in our very specific field, and had drawn up a shortlist of projects in 5 minutes."

With our first mailing to over 15,000 high wealth individuals landing this week, we are confident that these donations will be the first of many. If you have had success with, either as a charity or a donor, please let us know. With our ever-growing PR contacts, we can make sure that the charity enjoys maximum leverage from the donation, and of course the donor can remain completely anonymous if they wish.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Philanthropy UK Newsletter

Today sees the publication of the quarterly Philanthropy UK newsletter December edition, with features on and Top 5 giving tips from Alec Reed.

Philanthropy UK is a highly respected philanthropy resource and their newsletter is read by established philanthropists, high wealth individuals looking to give for the first time, and wealth advisors from some of the top private banks.

We are very pleased to be making such an impact in this sector after only 2 months, and I will keep posting our articles on the blog to let you know how we are going!

Monday, December 10, 2007

"Going Stellar"

I was pleasantly surprised by the headline of our article on Wealth Bulletin today. "New philanthropy website going stellar" couldn't be a more positive start for our coverage on the website that is read by thousands of wealth managers each week.

A recent survey (subscription required) suggested that wealth managers need more support when advising on philanthropy, and we will be pushing as the best place to find high wealth projects.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

DEC Bangladesh Appeal

You may have noticed that is supporting the Disasters Emergency Committee Bangladesh Cyclone Appeal on our homepage.

The DEC is made up of 13 member agencies who provide the humanitarian aid needed in a time of disaster, and I am delighted that we are able to give them another platform on which to raise funds.

While the DEC have an impressive network of media partners (BBC, ITN, the Post Office, BT and many banks), carries a message specifically aimed towards high wealth donors.

We hope that this niche promotion will help raise vital funds for those whose lives have been devastated by the effects of the cyclone.