Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Wealthy buyers go online

"Luxury brands and retailers have recognised that their most affluent customers are enthusiastically using the internet", reports the Financial Times today.

The report from the US ties in with anecdotal evidence in the UK that high-wealth individuals are increasingly confident in using the web to inform their philanthropic decisions.

Oxfam are leading the high-end charity development with their Projects Direct site, which expands on the project outlines available on The Big Give. I spoke to another top UK charity that has recently received a substantial gift through their major donor page on their own website.

As these donors continue to develop their online research into charities and projects, charities can look forward to an increasing number of unsolicited approaches from some very exciting individuals.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Golden Age of Philanthropy Articles

There was a fantastic section in the New York Times Magazine (free registration) this weekend on philanthropy. I recommend making time to read What Makes People Give? - where Freakonomics meets charity - and For Good, Measure.

As the economy continues to slip and slide, I noticed a positive message from the latter article:
"...many billions of dollars, earned during the recent boom in the hedge-fund
and private-equity markets, will soon pour into the social sector. At a moment
of widespread economic distress, philanthropy is a growth industry, its golden
age, at least in terms of dollars spent, almost certainly yet to come."

Let's hope this forecast is mirrored this side of the pond...

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

The future is now?

A very interesting article in the US Financial Times - Sean Stannard-Scott looking forward to 2033, where "social stock exchanges" help donors find charities that they are interested in.
"While the cost to non-profits of conforming to the exchanges' information
disclosure requirements is steep, once listed they find grant dollars come
looking for them rather than the other way round."
The Big Give may not quite mirror the financial stock exchanges, but we do believe in a system that helps donors intelligently search for their ideal charity. We are also working hard to ensure that the cost of entry for charities is anything but steep.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Introducing £5k projects!

Following feedback from charities and philanthropists, we have expanded The Big Give to include charity projects seeking £5k to £50k in funding. This move means The Big Give will better reflect major donor department targets and help increase funding opportunities for charites.

The new funding amounts are £5k, £10k, £25k and £50k, and charities can upload their projects for these values now. The website will retain its current look and functionality, and the new donation amounts (including changes to the 'thermometer') will be promoted to donors in March.

Let us know what you think of the new amounts by adding a comment below.

Monday, February 18, 2008

Board of Philanthropists

Alec Reed has announced the The Big Give Board of Philanthropists. The Board comprises a group of twenty highly-experienced individuals, offering their exceptional talents from the private, public and charitable sectors.

Members of the Board include Lord Salisbury, former leader of the House of Lords; Lord Joffe, chair of the Government's Giving Campaign; and Simon Murdoch, who launched Amazon's online bookstore in the UK.

Their role will be to encourage other major donors to give intelligently and provide expert feedback on theBigGive.org.uk.

We ask that charities do not send unsolicited requests to Board members.

The full list is:

Lord Salisbury PC DL
- Leader of the House of Lords from 1994-7

Lord Joffe CBE
- represented Nelson Mandela at trial, 1963-4
- Chair of the Government's Giving Campaign, 2001-4

Lord Haskins
- Chairman, Northern Foods 1986-2002
- New Deal Task Force 1997 -2001

Lord Rana MBE JP
- Founder & Managing Director, Andras House

Lord Gavron CBE
- Chair, Guardian Media Group 1997-2000
- Director, Royal Opera House 1992-8

Lord Bell
- Chair, Bell Pottinger Communications
- MD, Saatchi & Saatchi 1970-85

Sir Peter Mason, KBE CBE DL
- Chief Exec AMEC 1996-2006

Sir Sigmund Sternberg KCSG JP
- Founder, Three Faiths Forum
- Chairman, Martin Slowe Estates

Peter Bottomley MP
- MP for Worthing West, 1997-

Simon Murdoch
- Founder, friendsabroad.com
- First head of amazon.co.uk

Martyn Lewis CBE
- Chair of Beacon Fellowship
- Co-founder & Chairman, Teliris
- Chair & Founder, YouthNet UK

Fred Mulder, Dr
- Founder of The Funding Network
- Beacon Fellow

Stuart Wallis FCA CTA
- Chairman, Protherics

John Spiers
- Founder, BestInvest

Frank Kirwan
- former trustee of Oxfam
- director of RBS; Grahma Tech

Larry Sullivan
- Chair and co-founder, COINS software house
- Founder, Stepping Stones school for children with hemiplegia

Trevor Yang
- Group Director
- Trustee of WWF Hong Kong

Bruce Jobling LLB
- Solicitor

Tim Partington
- Director, Chapman Taylor LLP

John Blaxland, Dr

Ian Watson

Alec Reed CBE
- Founder, Reed Specialist Recruitment
- Founder, The Big Give

Monday, February 11, 2008

New PR agency for The Big Give

We are delighted to announce the appointment of Carte Blanche Communications as PR agency for theBigGive.org.uk.

Carte Blanche are experts in the high-net-worth sector, and will help to drive awareness and increase the profile of high-level philanthropy on theBigGive.org.uk.

Look out for coverage of theBigGive.org.uk in the press over the coming weeks, or check back here to see the latest press updates and links to articles.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Dragon in the den

Duncan Bannatyne, star of BBC's Dragons' Den, popped into the office last week with his TV crew to have a look at theBigGive.org.uk and talk philanthropy with Alec Reed.

Duncan is presenting a documentary about giving amongst the rich for ITV1, and was very excited by the number and range of projects on the site. This is yet more great exposure - and high wealth feedback - for the website, and we look forward to seeing the full programme soon.